< identification keys

Paracharontidae Charinidae Charontidae Phrynichidae Phrynidae

Identification keys (from Weygoldt, 2000)

    • The distal one of the three large dorsal spines of the pedipalp is the largest, followed proximally by spines of decreasing lengths and distally by one to three spinelets, pedipalp basitarsus with two spines, the distal one larger than the proximal one..............................2
    • The second or middle one of the three dorsal tibial spines of the pedipalp is the largest, pedipalp basitarsus with two spines, the proximal one larger than the distal.........................................................................................................Cataegeus pusillus
    • Opisthosomal sternite three without articulated ventral sac covers.......................Charinus
    • Opisthosomal sternite three with articulated ventral sac covers..................................Sarax